
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Just writing....

It's a windy, wet day and I'm happy to be indoors and writing.  I've typed up a new poem I wrote a couple of days ago and have edited it and I've also managed to write the next part of an ongoing story.  It seems ages since I've been back to it.  I need to mull over the next part for a while before I go back to it.  I see that I've written just over 4,000 words now!  I'm already thinking that I should re-write the beginning but again I'll  look at it again later, probably when the rest is written.

I've just signed up for the Mindful Writing Boosters to help me get going on January 1st when I start writing Small Stones.

Just two more days before we begin a new year.  I wonder what that holds.

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