
Sunday 9 June 2024

The stress of the submission process

Birthday flowers from my eldest son in my writing room and yes, those are tomato plants behind!

 The last few weeks have seen me finally complete the first proper draft of The Island. It now sits marinating on my laptop! It will need a lot of editing, but at least I have a better ending and have added a significant amount of content.

Before I finished the draft, I met with a friend who I'd not seen in ages (she's actually my proofreader) and she asked about all those short stories I wrote and thought a collection would be a good idea. We had a good chat about some of those stories, and in fact, I do have a list of potential stories for a collection. It's just that I've never got round to doing anything about them. I am now reading through some again, editing and getting them proofread. I'm working on the idea of a theme, but the list isn't complete as I sort them and work out which work best together.

The other thorn in my side is Tinsel Street, which I sent out on submission last year and again earlier this year. I have received no replies, so decided to revamp my submission package and have another bash. Now anyone who submits novels knows what a pain it is writing a synopsis and cover letter. I could have written half a novel in the time it's taken to do this (okay, that's a slight exaggeration). There are guidelines online, and right ways to put them together, though some conflict.  It's stressful and never seems completely right. So I sought feedback from friends.

Last Sunday I also I met up with some people from the London Writers' Support Group and gave them my cover letter to look over. They were really helpful, and I came home and put in their suggestions and took things out. I also tweaked the synopsis again! While at the meeting, I also managed to run a 6,000 word story through ProWriting Aid and edit while we each worked on our own project for an hour. I'd been putting it off, as it's so long, so I was pleased with myself. I have to admit this is a good group to be part of. We are all very different and tackling different things, and they are all much younger than me, but we are all writers and support one another.

Researching agents and Indie Publishers, who have windows open/accepting submissions/are the right fit and accept submissions from writers and not just agents, takes hours. But over two days I sent out several submissions, adapting the letter each time. I am not expecting to hear from anyone for a while, though having said that I did hear from one who told me they couldn't offer traditional publishing but might consider a contributing package, meaning I would have to fork out money of up to 75% of the cost. That makes me suspicious. They are asking me to respond, but if I don't want to take their offer, they will delete my manuscript. They say they are part of a larger well-known publishing company, but that company have their own website. I will need to look more into this, but I want to try submitting to others before I consider going with a hybrid publisher, plus do my own research into different ones. It is too soon when I have had no response from anyone else I sent to last week. Responses can take months. But I have started the ball rolling. One needs to be in the right frame of mind to send out submissions on mass, and I have to admit I felt good, even though I know my chances are slim. 

I have sent out a few subs to poetry magazines as well. Now I have a slight lull as I have a busy week coming up away from writing, though I'm sure I can sneak in some time on the laptop!

Until next time, happy reading and writing.

Sunday 12 May 2024

My reading journey

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

The first book I ever remember holding was a board book of farmyard animals. I was about three, had measles and was sitting in our front room in the semi-darkness.

I didn't grow up in a house full of books. My mum read magazines and sometimes books and my dad read James Herriot books after he retired for something to do when he wasn't down the shed!

Growing up I read the magazines my mum and grandmother read - Womans' Weekly and sometimes My Weekly or Woman or Woman's Own. But mainly it was Womans' Weekly. I read all the stories in those, including The Robin Family.

I don't remember being read to much as a child. Whether because I just dont't remember, or it didn't happen, I have no idea, but I do remember when I was about 8 or 9 my mum used to buy us a magazine called Treasure. In it was serialised The Borrowers. My mum read it to my brother and I and I was totally hooked and couldn't wait for the next instalment. I loved that story so much that I now have a copy of the book.

At school I wasn't a reader. It wasn't something that interested me. The first book I remember actually liking was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis. I loved the fact that there was another world beyond the wardrobe. I also remember liking a book by Gerald Durrell, but as a class we read To Kill A Mockingbird. I hated it. These days I'm a firm believer that you have to be ready for certain books. This is one of them. I didn't understand it back then as a young teen. When I came back to it as an adult I loved it, and I think that's because I had more experience of life and it suddenly resonated with me.

We didn't study poetry at school. I came across it once in primary school, and rather liked it, but I didn't come across poetry again until I was an adult.

As a teen/early twenties I bought the sort of magazines my mum would have frowned upon - Loving and True Romances. I devoured them cover to cover and had my very first poem published in one, though they misprinted it by leaving out two lines! Later I switched to Cosmopolitan.

I left school aged fifteen and it wasn't until I left that I joined the library. Because I'd never been much of a reader I had no idea what books I might like, so I went for things that interested me. I loved nature and anything to do with early man and read books by people like Richard Leakey and the findings of our ancestors in Africa. When it came to fiction, I borrowed what I thought I might like. It took me years to find my way and to the person I am now who reads on average at least one book a week. My taste has branched out into most genres.

From my mum's small book collection I tried Agatha Christie, but soon realised she wasn't for me. However, one book by Daphne de Maurier called The Loving Spirit really hooked me. It's a family saga, and I loved it so much that I still have that book today. Of course I read things my mum said I shouldn't, including Lady Chatterley's Lover. It wasn't nearly as racy as I expected, but by then I had read far racier things anyway!

I had a phase of reading loads of Mills & Boon, even joining their bookclub for a while, but I grew out of them.

Reading has broadened my horizons. Of the books I read as a young adult, Hatter's Castle by A J Cronin still stays with me.

I still use the library. I also buy new books and charity shop books, as well as swap books with friends. There is no room to keep books I've read, so I have to be harsh and part with all, except some non-fiction books I can't bear to part with, or I might use as reference to my writing.

Reading has grown along with my writing. I feel I write much better as an older writer who has more life experience, like I have grown into reading certain books.

If this post sounds familiar it is because I've probably written about this before. Having had this blog since 2009, certain subjects will inevitably crop up again.

My last point is this. My dad was not much of a reader. Even he admitted that. If he couldn't understand a word he skipped over it. But once, when my brother and I were young and had gone to bed but still awake, my dad was decorating the landing. While he painted, he made up a story about a little bird. I don't really remember the story, but the fact that he had the imagination to make up a story that I was glued to. When my own boys were young, I did the same. They particularly liked stories with a main character having the same name as them. I have a recollection of one story about a bear who flew an airplane, and when we kept guinea pigs, I wrote a story about them! I also wrote a story about a child with a talking TV remote control which I entered into a competition.

I still have my fascination for early man, and adored Jean M Auel's Earth Children Series, especially the very first book
. It was probably the longest book I had at that time, but I couldn't put it down. Some things have followed me through life and my interests end up coming out in what I write. I don't think I've written anything about early man yet, but music crops up a lot, as does religion. Maybe I'll chat about that sometime....obsessions with certain subjects!

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Well-being and a busy week

 I've read lots about what you should and shouldn't write in a blog post as a writer, but I have always tried to be honest about my journey and in the last few days I have been taking care of myself. I've felt a lack of energy and tired for a week or so, and then yesterday I realised that I'd finally hit a low spot when I got angry with some flowerpots! I can laugh about it now, which means I'm feeling better.

Being outside is usually conducive to my well-being, and eventually it was. I've spent the last couple of days in the garden and not on my laptop. I cut the grass yesterday. My last chance before 'no mow May'. I also potted up my tomato plants and today I planted out the peas and pulled up a plant (no idea of its name) encroaching along the flower beds and stifling my other plants. I had Rue as my 'helper', so there was a lot of stick and ball throwing in between. 

My 'helper'


It's all been too much!

This afternoon I sat outside with the latest book I'm reading. Reading has also been my life-saver. It's important to listen to your body and find ways to lift the mood. Finding what works is half the battle. For me, it is being outside. Just sitting in the garden creates a peace inside of me, though sometimes I do have to go further afield.

Our weather hasn't helped. We've had so much rain and cold. I thrive in sunshine and warm days. I can't believe we are in May already with only the odd good day. What has this to do with writing, I hear you cry. Well, I stopped writing. I decided writing wasn't helping. I had a very busy week last week, and while it was interesting and fruitful, I think it also sapped my energy levels.

About a week ago I joined ASPA, the Association for Self-Published Authors. Having let my membership to another self-published organisation lapse last year, I have found one I feel I fit in with. They are friendly and I don't feel I'm the struggling poor cousin while everyone else is making mega bucks from their books. With the other organisation I felt a failure because I wasn't producing three books a year, have millions of followers and top Amazon ratings. Does any of this sound familiar? 

Anyway, I attended my first webinar with ASPA looking at book reviews and how to deal with them, how some trolls give one star ratings with no comment, how to take some encouragement from even two or three star reviews. We had a chance to talk about our books and what we were working on at present. All this was new to me. I was actually asked questions and everyone was friendly.

The second webinar was with The Phare (an indie magazine who I have submitted to in the past). The subject was how to market yourself as a writer. This mostly consisted of having a good website and social media presence. This was a most interesting talk and I made tons of notes. Having a proper website is something I've thought about in the past and was on my to do list. Yet here I am two years later not having done it. The webinar made me think about two things, 1) whether I take my writing seriously enough and 2) whether others think I do! What I have done is update my profile photo and bio on both this blog and my Facebook Author page. It's a start.

My final writerly thing came on Sunday. I took my laptop along with me to the London Writers' Support Group meet-up (which came out of the course I took with Indie Novella). We were a small group this time, just three of us and we met in the bar/cafe in BFI. We spent half an hour chatting about what we were working on, what we were going to do that day, and anything we had attended lately. Afterwards, we wrote for an hour, each working on our individual goal. I worked on the next scene of The Island. Later,  we chatted about what we had done and whether we achieved what we had set out to do in the session. It was a successful meet up and we hope to get together again in a few weeks time.

So, there we are. I haven't yet decided when I shall return to The Island. Maybe I need more time away from it. It is quite a dark place and maybe that has been playing on my mind. Perhaps I should write something totally silly. I do write that sort of thing too.

There is, of course, more gardening to do, if the weather holds. But for now, I'm just taking things slowly and being kind to myself. 

Friday 5 April 2024

Books, submissions and my WIP

Spring and new beginnings

 I'm drawn to any book with river in the title, or about rivers. They are a bit of an obsession, a bit like islands. I recently read If the River is Hidden by Cherry Smyth and Craig Jordan-Baker. Set in Ireland, two friends walk the length of the River Bann from source to sea. Part prose and part poetry, they re-live past experiences of living in Ireland, as they walk, The troubles, living away from Ireland, of feeling Irish or English, these are mixed in with descriptions of the river itself. A very different kind of book and obviously personal to the authors. This is one of the books I bought at the Alternative Book Fair a few weeks ago.

Currently I'm reading a book by Haruki Murakami. My youngest son is a fan of his, and although I read his book on writing, I'd never read any of his fiction. So, this is a bit of a punt, chosen at random. My son tells me he hasn't read this one, so I'll save it for him when I've finished. Different from books I normally read, it has taken a while to get into it, but I understand it has a surprise ending, so I'm interested to see how that goes. About five friends from school days, one day the other four tell the main character, Tsukura, this they never want to speak to him again. When he asks why, they just say 'You know.' But he doesn't. He is bereft, and it is only years later when he meets Sara that she suggests the experiences from that time are blocking him and he must see them again and find out why he was cast out from the group. I'm three quarters of the way through and he has met two of them and he knows now why he was cast out and it comes as a total shock. 

Away from books, I have been on a submission spree. I call submissions my bread and butter, though I rarely get paid! Should I have some acceptances, these are my morale booster to keep writing and it helps to get my name out there. The thing with writing just novels is that it all takes time and rejection sends you (or at least me) into a downward spiral. I started out as a poet, so mostly what I'm submitting is poetry. 

The online writing course has finished. Two things have emerged from doing this course. Firstly, I realise my WIP has been an outline story. Working with it during the course enabled me to take a hard look at it. While I was waiting for my laptop to be returned, I took pen to paper and drew up a map of the island along with family trees. Now I know how people are related and the tension the events would cause between them. Things are beginning to make sense. Whilst writing a new scene for the pacing section of the course, I added a new character called the storyteller. He is now being written in! I'm now re-writing The Island with lots of new scenes, though I have to keep referring to my family trees as I don't automatically remember who is who! Adjustments and new notes are being added all the time, so the details on the photos below are changing. This is part plotting, something I don't do. However, I've not plotted further in as I let my characters lead me. This is probably a haphazard way to write, as plotting avoids so much editing when going back, but I can't bring myself to do it any other way. I need the creative to flow as I write with no restrictions. What I've done here is to set up the background to people, their relationships with one another, and this helped so much with the story. It has more substance. I have to remember that this began as a short story some years ago and just grew! I don't always know when I write, where a piece of work may go. I've turned poems into stories and vice versa when they haven't worked or seem to need more space.

Family trees and maps still evolving!

The second thing that came out of the course, is that as this was such a good course (plus the one I took on my holiday), is that I have all the tools now. I've taken courses similar before, but usually shorter day courses. Years ago I also took a novel writing course, but for some reason it didn't work for me. Indie Novella's course was more detailed, had video's and didn't keep using the author's own book to use as examples. That first course was also more intense as it was to write 50,000 words so for a full novel. Indie Novella's course worked better in several ways. There were masterclasses included and we were encouraged to form peer groups outside of the course once it had finished. And this is what we have done. Someone from the group I was in set up a group on Slack, so we will continue to keep in touch and read each other's work. We even have a London support group started by one member, and this is an in person group. I have gained a great deal from this course, and the whole thing was amazingly free! I'd highly recommend it.

In future, the courses I take will be specific to other things I want to find out about. Occasionally I take online courses in a genre that interests me that I know little about writing. Later this month I'm taking one about websites. It has always been my intention to have a proper website and try to gather a bit more of a following, yet it has been shoved to the back burner, partly because it involves technology! I could pay someone to create a website for me, but I'd rather have complete control, which is probably good until things go wrong. 

While I was at the Alternative Book Fair, I met a lady who was trying to find an agent for her travel book, creative non-fiction. She showed me all the work she'd done. She had a website and was out there promoting herself. Is this what I should be doing? I suppose I should. She said I should be sharing snippets of my work. I've always been a bit unsure of that. 

So, taking her at her word, here's a bit of blurb about my WIP:

Fifteen-year-old Ralph lives on a remote island, ruled by elders and council with Old Testament hell-fire teaching. When Ralph's cousin, Lester, is drowned on an ill thought out adventure, his friend Aaron is accused of murder. Judgment lies with the elders. Will they send Aaron to Exile or will his punishment require more....his life? Tensions run high in this close community where everyone is related to someone else and knows their business. Life on Home Island begins to unravel as rumours abound and the truth of the tragic accident slowly emerge. What can Ralph do to help his friend, and where will help, if any, come from? Will the secrets of the elders finally be exposed and rid the island of its fear and find freedom? This is a tense and dark story of friendship and what you would do to save a friend. 

I never set out for this to be a YA novella, but I think this might be. Until I get beta readers and feedback I won't know for certain. It feels like one, but I'd love adults to enjoy this. Right now I'm writing a lot of new scenes. I'm taking my time and kind of editing as I go. I learned a lot from the book coach I used for Tinsel Street, about slowing the pace (I write extremely fast when I'm on a roll, meaning there's more action than description!). I finally feel I might have a handle on all the aspects of writing. I know my strengths and weaknesses, so I can play on the strengths, and watch for those weaknesses. I feel as if I've really pushed forward in the last year and especially pressed through my comfort zone a few times in trying to network. I'm still happier behind the keyboard, but I need other writers, especially in face-to-face meets. It's what encourages me because we understand one another and the agony and ecstasy of writing. It spurs me on to write because it can be lonely out there.

Until next time, happy writing and happy reading.

Friday 29 March 2024

Indie Novella Alternative Book Fair


The four books I purchased at the Fair

I confess my writing room is a complete mess, but my beloved laptop is back home and I am overjoyed. Finally, I can to send out submissions (all poetry so far) and access everything easily and quickly. Despite its quirk of black screen now and then (not done it once so far), it is intermittent and will recover from any crash. It's now up to me to keep everything saved elsewhere as backup.

In other news I attended the Indie Novella Alternative Book Fair a couple of Saturday's ago. Held in Islington Central Library, there was a lovely hall for talks (a theatre with staged seating) and a room upstairs where indie publishers were around to chat to and where they had books for sale. I came back with four!

The first talk was by Andrew Hayward from Penguin (retired). His talk on the History of Publishing from 1399 to the present day was fascinating. He was full of facts and figures as well as anecdotes. He said that we had lost 20% of libraries by 2010/11 and 85% of buying loss. I made copious notes during the talk, if I can understand them!  

By 1399, people spoke English as we would recognise it today, but it wasn't standardised until 1490 and was known as Chancery Standard. The Caxton Press was the beginning of book printing in 1477. Nine thousand copies of the Bible were printed by Thomas Cromwell and these were chained in churches so they wouldn't be stolen. Other important books that came early were The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, The Iliad by Homer and Revelations of Love & Devine by Mother Julian.

Back in the day, Paternoster Square (by St Paul's) had booths selling books and pamphlets. The Cambridge University Press is the oldest publisher, followed by Oxford University Press. Shakespeare added 1500 new words to the English Language. The emergence of the English novel was around about 1675-1750 with Robinson Cruso and Gulliver's Travels. Samuel Johnson's English Dictionary was published in 1755, but I can't think of that without remembering Blackadder when Baldrick threw the pages of the dictionary on the fire!

Publishers in those days were John Murray (Shelley, Bryon & Jane Austen), Collins, Thomas Nelson, A & Black, Constable (Sir Walter Scott) and Lutterworth. The best seller in 1806 was a cook book by Maria Blundel - A New System of Cooking. In the 1800's popular reading came in the form of Harper's and Ladies Treasury, as well as Penny Dreadfuls. 

Penguin Books were established in 1935, and they were the first people to see the mass market. These days most books shops have disappeared. Waterstones is owned by Daunt Books, but in turn have a Germany media company behind them. Everything has been swallowed by Amazon. 21% of all books are e-books, non-fiction represents 43.5% of books sold, 23% is fiction and 22% is children's books. Penguin is still top publisher and tops £3.8 billion.

So, there is a very brief history which I hope you find interesting. It was a mesmerising talk.

I didn't attend every talk, but I did attend the next one with three debut novel writers. They talked about their journey into writing and how they found publishing. Most had been on writing courses and found their way in through that. They talked about their books and then answered questions from the audience. Much as I would have liked to buy at least one of their books, I'd already spent my quota.

The final talk I attended was the publishing panel. Reps from Weatherglass Books, Dead Ink Books and Renard Press spoke about their companies. Whereas the Big Five publishing companies won't take any risk with publishing, this makes room for Indie Presses, who will. There was a discussion about what people are prepared to pay for a book. The correct price, said one on the panel, should be £15 for a paperback because that is what it is worth. He compared it with what people are prepared to pay for two hours sitting in a cinema. I guess he had a point there when you think how many hours an author spends writing their book. It's a tricky one because we all want to buy as many books as we can (well, I do). 

The different Indie Presses are getting together to showcase their books and they often work together. It was said that they need to sell 1500 copies of a book for people to talk about it. Life is difficult in the world of Indie Presses. Since Brexit it has become costly to send books to Europe and this hasn't helped. Sales for Indie Presses is critical. That's how they survive. On a more positive note, they do not have to sell big numbers of your book to publish another by you, like the Big Five do. 

There feels to be a much more personal relationship here between Indie publishers and writers and we should do our bit to support them. Yes, the big publishers flood the market with books they feel we should be reading, but there's a lot of good books published independently and I would urge you to seek them out. Start by visiting their websites (links above for those I mentioned) and looking at the books they publish and purchase one. 

Upstairs, I spoke briefly to the man from Weatherglass Books. He was due to talk on the panel, so it was all a little hurried. I also spoke to a couple of other publishers. I came away from the fair fired up. It was a brilliant day and thanks to Indie Novella for organising and running the event.

Friday 15 March 2024

Writing and walking holiday and more

Up and running in my hotel room!

 I am writing this blog post on my very old laptop which still runs on Windows 7, is painfully slow and some of the letters have rubbed off on the keyboard. The other day it spent ages updating. The touchpad no longer works, but thankfully my hubby had a spare mouse. I'm only using this laptop to update my blogs because I can load up my photos on it. I've been without my 'proper' laptop for two weeks now, and guess what? They can't find the fault! Having spoken to a couple of people, it seems they too have had similar problems with their screens and they just switch off and on again. Oh, well, time will tell, I guess.

So, I've been back from my writing and walking holiday for a week now. Our group consisted of eight women and one man. One of the ladies was also our walk leader. We met every morning at 9.30am and worked until 11am. Each day we covered a different subject - Ideas & Inspiration, Character Building Structure & Plot, Setting and Dialogue. Our tutor, Lizzie Enfield, explained each section and set us timed exercises. We would then read out what we'd written and she'd feedback on it. Lizzie offered great encouragement and advice. Some in the group had never written creatively before, but you wouldn't know it from what they wrote.

All of us had one-to-ones to either talk about our writing or for Lizzie to give feedback on a piece of work we had submitted before the holiday. My one-to-one went well and the feedback was positive on the opening of a short story I had written. She made several suggestions and I will be looking at those again.

In my free time I found inspiration for writing a poem and brainstorming other things. I was in the zone!

Brainstorming session which led to the piece I read out.

Afternoons were either a guided walk or free time. We had a complete day off on the Wednesday. The walks were a chance to get to know each other better and to talk about writing or other things. Lizzie came out with us too. In fact, she is a qualified walk leader, but decided that running the class was enough, as walks have to be checked and there wouldn't be enough time. This was even more important last week as the rain had made everywhere wet and muddy. Some fields were waterlogged. Gill, our walk leader, went to check how bad things were, and there was one day when we were clinging to a fence in order to walk round the worst of the mud. You could feel the mud sucking at your walking shoes/boots. There were some hairy moments, but no one slipped. We all helped one another. Very bonding! 

Mud! Lizzie (right)

More mud - three formed a chain to get me across

Boat race

I opted out of the first walk, due to the weather, but a later walk covered some of that ground (but less muddy), so I didn't feel I'd missed out at all. There were three walks planned, but our leader slipped another in. We always set off from the hotel in Bourton-on-the-Water and walked locally. If you want to know more about the walks I have been slowly writing about them on my travel (blog

Two evenings we met after dinner when Lizzie read from articles and short stories she had written, or from her books. These sessions was opened up to others staying at the hotel. HF Holidays own most of their properties in the UK, so other residents are on guided walks, self-guided walks, special interest holidays or walking & sightseeing. On our last evening we were all invited to read something we had written during our week there. I was using my old Android Tablet and I had saved my piece twice, yet when I came to look at it again and to edit, I couldn't find it. The other copy told me that part of it was locked. How had I locked it, and how did I unlock it? I had no idea. So, I wrote it all by hand (500 words) and tried to remember the last edits I'd done on the missing copy. But then I began editing the written version until it was a complete mess. When I had some spare time, I typed it up again. This time I also saved it my portable external hard drive and took a photo of it on my mobile! When I went back to it later, I found it! Joy! 

Everyone was nervous reading, but it was only our group. We didn't have to read it to others in the hotel (which we all thought we did!). It was a lovely evening and afterwards Lizzie gave us all inspirational sticks with different sayings on them (see photo). No one wanted to leave. The group had gelled well and we now have an email group so we can all keep in touch.

Inspirational sticks

I'm the winner at skittles!

Other evening entertainment included a skittles night, which I won (bottle of plonk). I was amazed! There was also a quiz night. Good fun, but my group came joint last. The questions were very random and hard. They seem to get harder each year (I've done quite a few over the years). The house in Bourton always runs a boat race too. Many people made boats out of paper, sticks, plastic and all sorts of stuff. I didn't make one, but a lady in our group won best presented boat and another from our group won the race and had to wear the Commodore's hat during dinner! I went down to the river to watch the boats launch (from one of the little bridges) and followed them down to the end. Walk leaders fished them out with nets, though a few got away and they had to race to the next bridge! 

I came home exhausted, but it was a lovely holiday with such contrasting things going on. I even bought a sketch pad and coloured pencils and drew (very badly). 

Writing in bed!

Away from the holiday, I've been trying to cope with the online writing course. I missed week 5 because there was just too much to cope with and also the lesson was to write in the style of another writer. It's taken me long enough to find my own voice. I couldn't see the point. I've just submitted my piece for week 7 with just two more weeks to go.

A few weeks ago I met up with some of the people doing the same online course in order to form a London support group. We met in a cafe in Tottenham Court Road and discussed the course, what we were writing etc. I think there was about eight of us. Tomorrow Indie Novella is running a writers and book fair in Islington Library which I and some others from the group will be attending. There are some free talks on offer, plus agents and books. I'll tell you about that next time.

Finally, last night I attended a poetry talk and readings at Southwark Cathedral. Padriag O Tuama read a few poems from the book Poetry Unbound His talk was interesting and he spoke also with the Dean of Southwark, Mark Oakley, who does a bit of writing himself. Of course I bought the book.

Southwark Cathedral

Sunday 25 February 2024

Is there ever a good time for your laptop to go away for repairs?

Tablet & Bluetooth keyboard.

 In answer to my own question in the title of this post. NO! But particualrly now when I am mid-way through a writing course and about to go on a writing and walking holiday. 

The screen on my laptop has, over a period of time, been blanking out intermittently for a few seconds. Sometimes it will goes days without this happening, and other times it will happen twice in one day. This doesn't affect what I am doing. I continue typing and the words are there when the screen returns, and my playlists keep playing. But last week when I switched on my laptop, nothing. The lights on the keyboard lit up, the fan started, but nothing on the screen. I then was unable to switch it off because I couldn't see what was happening. I did try several times to sort it, leaving it alone for a while and then trying to take it by surprise! My default mode is to panic. My son knows this so when I texted him, he said 'Don't panic!' He also told me that 100% my files could be saved.

My son looked at it in the evening and at first he couldn't get any joy. He then linked my laptop to a TV screen, though it was a fiddle trying to find the right HDMI slot. Suddenly my laptop sprang into life, only to die again. Eventually, the screen worked! I transferred the files I felt I needed to an external hard drive, but what was I going to transfer them to while my laptop was sent away for repairs? My hubby has Chrome Book, but it doesn't have Word. My son has a very old laptop, also without Word. I am still using Windows 10, and if my son put Windows on the old laptop it would come with Windows 11. I didn't want to have to get to grips with a new application on my holiday. Ah! what about my old Tablet? That has Word, albeit a basic version.

So I spent the evening charging the Tablet and having to upgrade various applications. Of course it wasn't as simple as that. The Tablet is a bit dodgy. It often re-boots itself a few times when I turn it on, and it's slow. I also soon realised that the external hard drive wouldn't plug in. We were now in the second day of this. So, while my screen was working (it's been fine since that day, but it could go at any time) I transferred the same files directly to the Tablet. That evening my son found a convertor and adaptor so the external hard drive works with the Tablet. I also found the mini Bluetooth Keyboard I used to use with it and had to re-learn how to 'pair it' to the Tablet.

It is now the weekend, I've been laid low with a cold and not able to tackle the packing up of my laptop. And then I thought about the things I might still need off it. I've no idea how long the repair will take. I've run off something new I'm writing which I may share with the group on holiday. I also needed a printed copy of an email for tickets to a concert I'm going to with a friend. I've been unable to access the O2 Arena App even though I've set up a password. 'Don't match' it says. Tried to change the password, but no luck. I had to email them direct and they've suggested uninstalling the App and reinstalling it. If that fails I can take my proof to the booking office on the day of the concert and they print out the tickets. As it is the tickets aren't issued until a week before. Am I panicking?  So, I've found the email and printed off the proof with my seat numbers etc. I'm not sure if my Tablet with work with my printer. I've never tried it and the concert is next month. 

I've had my laptop over four years now. The warranty has run out, but the company who built it (it's not an off-the-shelf laptop) have said they will look at it for me. Today is the day when I box it up, so I am madly doing things I feel I might not be able to do on the Tablet. I have access to most stuff on my mobile, but will need the Tablet for my course (which I will still be doing on my holiday) and for the holiday itself. However, for the holiday I am taking various notebooks and am happy to write by hand if necessary. It sounds quite laid back, just what I need right now!

That's been my week. Despite my cold, I managed to get to Southwark Cathedral on Thursday night in the heavy rain and wind to an author talk about London Bridge and Southwark. It was very interesting and happened to coincide with the chapter I was currently reading in a book called Watling Street. I bought myself a copy of the book, but I didn't hang around to get it signed. I just wanted to get home. Thankfully, it had stopped raining by then. Friday was my worst day, and I gave in and stayed on the sofa in my PJ's, a fleece and hot water bottle. I was often joined by Rue, our dog.

New book, left. What I'm currently reading, right.

A lady on my writing course had arranged a meet-up for those in London on Saturday. I wasn't sure I would make it as I felt so rough on Friday. God must have looked down on me and decided enough is enough. I'll give that girl a break. I felt so much better in the morning and even walked Rue. After an early lunch, I headed to Tottenham Court Road and Caffe Nero where we were meeting. It was a lovely afternoon. There were eight of us (a few couldn't make it), all ladies. Of the three groups on the course, all but two were from group two and me and one other from group one. We talked about the course, what we were writing, jobs, writing events and what we wanted to do in our meet-ups in the future. We think we will stick to a once a month meet. We were a diverse group. I was the oldest! It was so nice to talk to other writers with all those dreams of being published.

I much prefer to engaging with people face to face. Some of us are hoping to meet up next month at a Writers/Book festival in Islington, especially as Indie Author (who are running the course we are all on) will be there offering talks on one of the days.

This could be what I've been looking for. In the back end of last year, I'd thought I might form my own local group for budding writers, as I was missing the contact with other writers. But I'm not really a leader. I'm more a follower. I'm happy to suggest things, but leading a group is a responsibility, and I don't feel that at the moment I have the time.

So this week has been a bag of mixed blessings. I'm hoping I can still blog using the Tablet. I've done in the far distant past, though I had to google 'how to block text to copy when you don't have a mouse or touch pad.' I'm going old school! A re-learning curve. I've not got my head round uploading photos to it yet. But if you don't hear from me for a while you'll know just what I'm doing....panicking!