
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Positive moves

Writing has been going quite well lately and I've been submitting again. I hadn't intended to submit in particular but I had things I felt suited various magazines and competitions, and then I seemed to be on a roll. I also completed the novel in flash and sent it to my friend for proofreading and comments. The outcome was that I added a piece I had abandoned, though I gave it a good edit. With some more adjustments I now have something that works and it completes the set. All I have to do now is re-order a few pieces before submitting.

I enjoyed writing this so much I may consider writing another at some stage! Meanwhile, I heard today from The People's Friend that they are reserving the two poems I sent them in June. I will hear in February next year if they will be published in one of their annuals for 2022!

I managed to escape to Winchester for a few nights last week. It was a lovely break - good weather, lots of walking, a visit to the cathedral, and a bus out to Alresford one day. I realised I'd forgotten to pack a notebook and went out to buy an exercise book, but after all that I didn't use it. Instead, I spent time reading in the little garden of the self-catering flat where I stayed. And to think I did consider taking  sketch book!

Some rather nice windows in Alresford

I now have to get motivated to write again, though I am still working through the online poetry course. We are half way through now.

Before I went on my break I met up with a lady from the writing group that met in Hammersmith before lockdown haulted things. Though it went onto Zoom, I only participated once because, as I've said before, Zoom isn't me. So I was thrilled to meet up in person with someone. With the group leader away for some time there won't be any Zoom. The meet-up went well and we even managed writing with another lady via WhatsApp with her in Germany! We had connection problems but we had so many laughs. There was a lot of catching up this time, so we only managed three short pieces, and all the rest was talking! We are going to try and meet regularly again. The place where we used to meet was closed, but we found another cafe round the corner overlooking the River Thames which worked just as well.

So, I'm in a more positive frame of mind with my writing. It's been a long time coming!

The Fulling Mill, Alresford, Hampshire

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