
Sunday 8 September 2019

Late summer update

Found this on the pier in Worthing this week.
Well, I never knew that!
Well, that's August gone! I completed the Live Canon Poetry Treasure Hunt and have one of their Anthologies winging its way to me. My own poetry challenge has moved into the 18th week. One day I could think of nothing to write at all, so I wrote about that! I sent out the most submissions I've ever done (I think). It was a no from Mslexia (as usual) over my short story for the Journeys theme, and I've had another rejection on another short story. However, I have been published by Visual Verse again this month, and I'm really chuffed about this flash story. You can read it here.

I've been told the critique for my novel will arrive by the 20th of this month, so if you don't hear from me for a while it may well be because I'm crying in a dark room.

Having enjoyed the Live Canon event last month I've signed up for their course on writing climate change poetry which starts in a couple of weeks time. I've been a warrior for the planet since before it became the most talked about thing (apart from Brexit). Back when I was in my twenties I was asking people to sign petitions and doing my bit for a kinder planet. Yet although I have written a few poems about certain aspects of earth's destruction I struggle with how to go about it, especially how not to be preachy. So I will learn from those who have done it and try and write my own. It will be a challenge.

Happy writing folks.

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