
Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Are you a seasonal writer?


The print out of my manuscript

This blog post is only possible because I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. It's spring. The weather right now is pretty good, and my social calendar is in overdrive. So, when do I have time to write?

The fact is I'm more a bad weather writer. This time of year my work rate drops. Instead, you'll find me out more than in, and when I am in that's in the garden with a book or gardening. This is my favourite time of year. Long days, more light and hopefully sunshine and warmth. I need them. In a former life I think I was a reptile, because as soon as there is a hint of warmth in the sun I'm on my bench by the back door soaking in the rays. 

Bad weather, especially the cold, and especially those grey, blanket-cloud days bring me down. To help, I write. I get far more writing done in the winter or drab autumn days. So unless I get going early in the morning in summer, before it's warm enough to sit outside or go out somewhere, writing is doomed.

So, what is happening with the novella, I hear you ask (or not!). Well, I have finished the next stage of edits, added the tweaks necessary after my location visit to Peterborough last month. Then one morning early (see?) I actually printed out all the pages. I am now too busy to do the print edit! Well, at least for the next couple of weeks. This might not be a bad thing as the story needs to settle. My intention then is to go find a quiet place, somewhere away from the house - maybe a cafe or riverside - and begin reading through it.

Due to working on the novella and my busy social life, submissions are at their lowest. I've just about scraped one a month recently. That's hardly likely to up my success rates. The more you submit the more chances you have of something being accepted. I knew this would be a lean year after the madness of last year, but part of that is just down to me However, this novella has been the main project of the year so far, and I've had to concentrate on that. I have other things waiting in the wings to edit, but I'm guessing they might have to wait until winter!

So, my question is, do you have a season for your writing? Or is it just me? 

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