
Thursday 16 April 2020

Overwhelmed with resources and finding the calm way

My mixed media effort
There are a lot of resources out there right now, whether it is a chance to learn something new or enjoy a virtual gallery visit. Lots of the resources are free, and everyday my inbox informs me of the many things I could be doing as I have all this time on my hands.

There has also been posts about being under pressure to write. Well, we have no excuse now, do we? I have become a little overwhelmed with what is on offer and have backed away. My only goal is to finish my poetry challenge - only three weeks to go!

One thing I have wanted to have another at is art. I am trying to find which medium my talents (if any) lie. I have dabbled over the last few weeks, producing about four pieces of work. I don't consider myself to be very good at watercolour painting, but yesterday I had an email from Cass Art with tips. Seems like maybe I have been doing it all wrong. The tips were most enlightening and perhaps I should not throw out the paints with pad. Indeed, I have ordered some art supplies online. That in itself was difficult as most suppliers were out of stock of the things I wanted. I finally found a company in London who turned out to be cheaper. I've always been drawn to ink drawing and would like to try ink and wash. In the past I also loved using charcoal so I've sent for some charcoal pencils rather the messy sticks I have lurking somewhere in a box. It might be two weeks before I receive the goodies but it is something to look forward to.

Having been so active in the garden I now want to brighten it up with accessories and have ordered a ladybug house and a tiny fountain spray for my tiny pond. It is in desperate need of something. At present the water is stagnant and the pond needs cleaning, It is supposed to be part of my wildlife garden which I started last year, and there are some nice rotting wood pieces and other items to encourage wildlife. Now it needs a bit of attention to bring it to life.

The only 'writerly' thing I have done is to buy a download mini guide from Mslexia on poetry writing.

Perhaps I should be writing more, but I think each of us has to get through these times the best way we can, and having had a couple of melt downs with short fuse syndrome, I have to seek out what calms me. Sometimes that is escaping for a walk far away from everyone (which has been difficult as the weather has brought everyone out) or burying my head in music and messing about with paints.

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