
Saturday 14 March 2020

A small success

The latest copy of Salopeot Magazine (Salopian Poetry Society) arrived a few days ago. This was my consolation prize - a free subscription to their magazine for the year. Flicking through it I noticed the title of a poem, and thought hey? I have a poem with that title. Looked again, yes it's mine! They've used one of the entries I sent to their competition! I guess every little helps. However, it was a surprise as I didn't realise they would do that.

I am trying to put together poems for pamphlet competitions with deadlines at the end of the month. They are very different collections but with both I have that business of trying to order the poems right. Certainly the first collection I have edited, moved, taken out, inserted new ones and rearranged them so many times. I think I am there now, but I want to let them sit for a few more days before looking at them again. All the poems have been written in the last year as part of my poetry challenge to write one-a-day. I wonder if that's good or too soon?

I wondered whether after I finish my challenge - I have eight weeks to go - whether I might move on to something different. I've been thinking about the novel and whether I can save it. I sort of know what I have to do but not sure how to do it. The thought is daunting as I have so many drafts, it's all got rather messy.

Maybe I should try some flash fiction again. Certainly there are some short stories that could be edited, but somehow I can't quite work myself up to tackle them. For now I shall just concentrate on finishing my challenge and getting the pamphlets put together and submitted. Then I shall see how I feel.

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