
Monday 28 December 2015

A Christmas gift of books

On Christmas Eve I put on a Christmas CD and set to work on making a few mince pies and my kids favourite 'sweets' - a whole cherry wrapped in marzipan and rolled in icing sugar or chocolate powder. It began as a way to use up the left over marzipan after making the Christmas cake and has become a fixture/tradition.

I have managed to keep off social media for three days! I do want to try and kick the Facebook habit a bit in 2016, spend less time on it.
I was given four books for Christmas by family and a friend. I wanted to read there and then but something called a Christmas dinner kind of got in the way. Besides I am still plodding through War & Peace. I am looking forward to reading something riveting again! There are times when I do get pulled into War & Peace - it is better than I thought it would be - but I miss my usual books. Now and then I decide I should read a classic so I am not ignorant when someone talks about it - though I still don't really know who is who!

Oh and I had a moment in Iceland when I came across this kitchen roll.'s Christmas!

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