
Sunday 26 October 2014

The big entry push

I've been dithering and down in the dumps because of it so action was the only way out of it. A couple of days ago I decided that the collection of themed poetry I've been writing might as well go somewhere instead of sitting in my computer. So I picked what I thought was the best and sent 16 off to Templar Poetry Pamphlet competition. This is third pamphlet competition I've had a go at and the second with Templar. It's a chance worth taking as I actually had over twenty poems on a theme (one is out somewhere else so I decided not to use that one just in case I had to withdraw it).

Then more dithering over the National Poetry Competition. I said I'd never enter again but I've sent three poems! Then while I was on a roll I also entered three poems to Magma Poetry Competition!
I feel good that I've done something. I've written quite a few new poems lately which I really like but when I come to enter competitions I doubt myself and tell myself my poems are not good enough. Then I get down about my writing and it's a slippery slope. I probably won't get anywhere but at least I've tried and it's relieved that feeling of hopelessness that's been hanging around for the last week or so. I guess I should be pleased I have so many poems I can send out. Somehow I've increased my writing output this year which can be no bad thing.

Before I forget, I watched the drama about Dylan Thomas, A Poet in New York, last night on BBC2 (I missed it the first time around). Of course I like Tom Hollander (he was great in Rev) and I thought he portrayed the poet well as his self-destructive lifestyle caught up with him. I found the end very moving.

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