
Friday, 2 November 2012

Words in flight!

Well, it's done - I have sent off a collection of 14 poems to iOTA Shots competition. My words have flown, my poetry in flight across the internet!  Having left the poems for a while I was able to re-edit some but even as I was going through them a final time I felt that I have no chance.  Some of the poems I think are really good, others are 'nice' but are they really good enough?  If nothing else this has been good practice in that I had to select poems within a theme (as that was what I had chosen to do), really look at them, re-edit if necessary and choose an order for them.

I won't know until February whether my collection has been chosen which means those poems are now out of bounds for sending anywhere else until then.  That leaves me with only a few poems now to use and few to still work on.  Hopefully I will get back to writing soon.  Poetry has taken a back seat recently as other things in life have been occupying me but I am attending a poetry workshop later this month and with any luck I will have lots of poems to work with.

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