I usually do book reviews on my other blog but I want to talk about this one here. I recently read The Greatcoat by Helen Dunmore. A sort of gothic creepy book for Hammer this is about a newly married couple set in the 1950's. They move into a house where the landlady lives upstairs....a strange creature who seems to the young wife to be very nosey. The girl feels lonely as her new hubby is settling into the doctors practice and is hardly ever home. The girl never feels warm and finds a greatcoat in a cupboard which warms her as she lays asleep on the bed but it also takes her into another world of a Second World War Pilot stuck between raids....sort of groundhog day. The girl begins to fall between two worlds. I want tell you anymore in case you read it. Suffice it to say it is a jolly good read.
The main reason for posting this here is that at the end of the book Helen talks about how she came to write the book using experiences from her past....growing up in the early 50's when rationing was still around, womens position in society, what was expected of them and how her own experiences could be used to make the story sound authentic. I found reading this really interesting. I love it when authors talk about their books with tips for writers etc.
I have to say that Helen's books are really good. I've read a few of hers now and have a couple more in cupboard waiting!
The other book I've just finished is Fear the Worst by Linwood Barlcay. I've never come across him before and I picked the book up on holiday as I was desparate for some reading material. Well, talk about fast-paced. There were so many twists and turns to this thriller....right to the end. He must have had so many notes for I would have got so tangled up with it if I'd written it. Oh! that I could write something tlike that! I'll be looking out others of his. I really could have been in burning house and not noticed, it was so gripping!
Now I must go and make the dish I meant to make last night but left it too late because I was too busy on the internet! Writing will be the death of me......um....good title for a book maybe!
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