
Thursday, 28 June 2012

The Big Sing

Euphonix Community Choir
Something a little different....but it's all art! On Sunday I took part in The Big Sing in Kingston with the choir Euphonix. Two weeks ago we were given the words to the three songs we would be singing with other choirs in the Market Place.  They were not easy parts and when we came to the rehearsal with all the other choirs we found ourselves lost! Because we only had the music for our own parts we didn't know when we should come in. We were starting to feel the whole thing was a shambles. The songs had also been arranged differently from the originals, just to make things harder.  Anyway, when we came to sing all together in the Market Place we just did our own thing and it went okay because with all those choirs it didn't matter if we lost our places!  The songs were Higher and Higher, Shine (Take That) and Hey Jude.  Thankfully the last one was easy and I really let it rip! I don't have any photos because it was too crowded for my son to take any.  He did get a sound recording of Hey Jude on his mobile but I'm not sure whether it is worth trying to upload it, or even if I can!  The photo above is from one of or own concerts at The Rose Theatre, Kingston.  I am just above the fronds of the plant! Our MD is doing his beat-boxing to one of our songs!

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