
Sunday 4 December 2011

Term Ending and an Advent diversion!

The first term of my poetry course finishes next week.  On Thursday we read our pieces on silence/noise and work-shopped our poems.  I had some helpful criticism of my poem called December, though one idea I couldn't agree with - if I took out the first two lines I might as well make it into a Haiku as the poem is short anyway (plus there is a least one great line!).  However, perhaps that's what I should do - could try it, I guess, but I like the way most of the lines work and my tutor loved the last short stanza and most of the rest.  So perhaps just a 'twiddle' is needed.

On my other blog there is an Advent Prayer which I wrote last year (I think), if you would like to take a look at that.  Because I am doing daily posts on that blog (for Advent) I will be posting up seasonal poems and maybe very short stories there as part of my 'Advent Calendar'.  So do take a look there this month for my creative writing outlet!  A more normal service will resume after that.

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