
Friday 24 August 2012

Shock-horror...I'm writing!

Some flowers to brighten your day!
I woke up this morning inspired to write........well it does happen sometimes!  I worked for over an hour on the chapter on rhyme in W.N. Herbert's book Writing Poetry and wrote a rather funny poem (well I think it is). 

This afternoon I have been busy submitting poems to two magazines and I had to write a short biography for one (yikes!).  Looking through my notebook of submissions I find that this month has been a hive of activity not seen since........not seen!  I don't know how that happened considering I was glued to the Olympics and had someone to stay.  Altogether I have sent out ten poems this month, three of which are for competitions and more encouraging four poems were written very recently.  How did this happen?  When did I find time to do all this?  I am still recovering from the shock.  Whatever got me going I hope it continues!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Dew (a poem)


Even now,
almost at day's peak in mid August
dew sparkles on the grass;
sprinkled diamonds on green,
glinting in the sun.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Being in the public domain

Some pretty flowers!
Spent some time yesterday sorting through poems that I could send to OU Poets for their next Workbook.  Did a little I changed the tense from past to present as it felt better that way. So this  morning I emailed three poems to them and included comments about my favourite poems from their last edition.

Writing a blog has been a work in progress and still is really.  I am not particularly IT savvy so I learn as I go along (a bit like writing in general).  My son (the genius!) is very helpful and very patient.  I often call on him when I get stuck.  He just clicks here and there, types in lightning speed (where did he learn such speed - I used to be a 70wpm girl!) and I say 'what did you just do?'  Often he says 'I've shown you this before!'  Yes, he has and I am sure that at the time I will remember next time but do I?  Anyway, I'm kinda getting off the point. What I was getting to is that since blogging I finally (and reluctantly) set up a Facebook page and now I'm uploading albums of photos and sharing with my small band of 'friends'.  That got me into other things and now I write reviews for Artfinder (just my views on a picture or an exhibition I've been to).  I am still very cautious about being out there in the public domain but it gives me more writing opportunities for fun.

It would be good to get feedback on my blogs, so if you read this one or one of my others do tick a box or just say a word or two to encourage me.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Poetry, games and a sad goodbye

Have submitted my Haiku to The Poetry School.  Actually, I ended up writing a series with four verses...even I couldn't describe what I wanted in one verse of 5-7-5!

I feel so tired today after such a late night at the Olympic Park but well worth it!  I don't intend to do anything today.

I've been meaning to mention Maeve Binchey who died last week.  She wrote lovely books and it was like coming home to read one of her stories.  I loved the way she weaved characters from one book into another, even if it was just a mention of a restaurant.  She will be greatly missed.  I've read all her books and it is sad to think there won't be another.

Friday 3 August 2012

Taking a breather from the Olympics

Writing has taken a back seat with Olympics in full flow.  The TV is on non-stop and I am in danger of suffering from Olympic overload! However I am working on a poem for The Poetry School as they have asked students to pen something to encourage people to read poetry.  There is a deadline coming up all too fast so I need to get to grips with it very soon.  Have decided on a Haiku and written out lines and words that I think I want to use and now the poem is beginning to take shape.