
Tuesday 2 January 2018

Struck down by the dreaded virus


Crawled out of my sick bed to get this sunset after a long
dull day. One thing that made me smile!
Normally I'd write a review of my writing year around this time. However, I've been ill since Boxing Day with a rather nasty virus and progress is slow in the recovery department. I go from bed to sofa and back again. I have stopped the painkillers but I still feel light headed at times.

This morning I decided effort was needed - the housework is at pits end and no one thinks washing the dishes needs to done more than every two days. So, after a week of PJ's I immersed myself into the bath and then cast aside the PJ's for day clothes. Boy, I never realised how dressing could be so exhausting.

My other achievements - washing up, clearing the table (nearly dropping the jigsaw puzzle board) and putting on one wash load - all took it out of me. I had to take a nap!

If only I could eat properly but all the food I normally enjoy doesn't do a thing for me. I can't taste or smell anything. I sent my hubby out for a box of Ritz Crackers as a latest crave. They work on a small scale and fill in the gaps when I get hungry but can't figure out what to eat. The only hot drink I can manage is Horlicks so it's water, orange juice and Lucozade.

While I was stuck in bed I wrote two stories in my head. I went over them time and time again (high temperatures have that sort of repeating loop on things, don't you find?). I even edited in my head! At some point I might actually write them.

I'm writing this on the sofa with two blankets draped over me. All my work is stuffed on the sideboard where it went to clear the table for Christmas dinner. All my notes and stuff to write a review are there. I will write a review at some point but I thought I'd just write a few lines now so you don't think I've disappeared off the planet. Someone said they'd had this virus a few weeks before Christmas and now they had it second time. I really hope this isn't one of those 'returners'. I've not felt as ill in about five years. I'm so tired all the time and can't be bothered to do anything for long. Even reading.

Can't wait to get the decorations down! I'm so pleased it's January! Don't mind me I'm just a bit fed up.

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