
Friday 22 September 2017

Kickstarting my writing

I am well on the way to finishing the Kickstart Your Creative Heart month. This is what I have found so far:

* It has prompted me to write almost every day but I haven't always gone with their prompts. I don't think this matters because the aim is to get writing again. That seems to have been achieved!

* Some prompts fired off ideas straightaway and I started writing the moment I'd finished reading the email.

* I've written a lot by hand and my second notebook of the year is finished.

* I have written three short stories, though one is long (over 6,500 words)

* I have returned to poetry (yes, didn't I say never again?) and written three or four over the last week.

* I feel that buzz I used to get from writing and that excited feeling when I've written something I am proud of.

* My output has greatly increased as has the hours I am spending writing.

* Some days I actually get back to my first-thing-in-the-morning writing routine. My ideas seem better then.

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