
Thursday 17 October 2013

Editing and the strangeness of being translated!

Lately I have been doing a fair bit of editing of  poems.  I've gone back after a long time to see what is not working with some poems of mine and with a few it's been a near massacre!  On the other hand the results have been good.....well, I hope. I hate editing out works or sentences I really like but when they don't work they have to go. That's hard.  There is one word I love but every time it's been in a poem it's been suggested I cut it!  Huh! One of these days I'll use it.  I'm determined!

I haven't actually written anything new but I am considering some poems for publication and I've had some good news.  I have had another poem published in Areopagus and finally I have six poems that were translated into Romanian by Mariana Zavati Gardner (a fellow member of OU Poets) published in a Romanian arts magazine entitled Pro Saeculum.  Zavati sent me a copy of the magazine, a huge thing with over 200 pages! and there are my poems with a small piece I wrote about my writing and a photo.  It all looks rather strange in Romanian!

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